the hardworking owner can i have some...
| duhhh
Aku tak ada idea. Tapi nak tulis.
Tapi takde idea. Tapi nak tulis.
Tapi masa terhad. Tapi nak tulis.
Tapi bila aku tengok skrin aku tak ada idea. Tapi nak tulis.
Tapi nak tulis apa. Tapi nak tulis.
Apa pun. Semoga anda peroleh ketenangan
carilah, tapi itupun kalau kau jumpa sebab selalunya aku malas nak tunggu lama-lama ikut mung tak salah rasanya kalau nak sayang orang tapi yang salahnya bila kau terlampau sayang sampai kau lupa yang dia akan hilang tak salah kalau kau nak terbang tinggi-tinggi tapi ingat, kau kena bersiap sedia untuk jatuh dengan rasa sakit yang tak terperi bersederhana. sederhanakanlah dalam apa pun yang kau lakukan dengan sesama manusia. maupun itu pengharapan, kasih sayang, kepercayaan dan sebagainya. tak setuju? tak apa, aku tak perlukan persetujuan kau masing-masing ada pengalaman masing-masing jadi, terserah :) *If there is any other way to express my sadness, it will be through writing.* The urge to write, but have no idea what to say. The urge to stay strong, but emotionally drained, almost losing it all. You thought you know, but you don't. You thought you're strong, but you are not. You thought the world is on your side, but you're wrong. You thought it'd be cool to insult, but when the table turns, when everything goes against you -- You will know. You will understand But... it will be too late to say sorry to those you hurt before. People change, and at one point, so do I. 230 days
hey, there ( ゚▽゚)/ how are you? are you doing fine? hopefully everything goes well, insyaAllah perhaps at this time, you've already walked far away from me and maybe you have forget about me that's okay if you are happened to read this by any chance I just wanna say I am sorry because after 230 days since that day only now... I have a courage to take a FEW steps away from us and from you as well yes, just a few itu je yang saya mampu buat masa sekarang I do admit sometimes our memories keep playing in my head whenever I accidentally thinking about you as I still bring you wherever I go it is really sad and hard for me but I have to do this and what hurts me the most is when I realised that you will never look at me again in the same way I look at you because I have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how it used to be I am sorry that I could not stay any longer I am so tired please do not get me wrong I am not giving up on you, but I just have had enough I am so exhausted, really I'm just going with the flow and have faith I trust Allah with all my heart and always remember that His plan are according to His infinite wisdom He knows what is best for you and me I am strongly believe, if we are meant to be together one fine day, surely we will meet again and accept everything without hesitates but with smile and grateful InsyaAllah but for the time being, maybe this is not the right time, I don't know Wallahu'alam so... I leave you in the care of Allah as nothing is lost that in His care I pray that Allah gives you everything and more I pray for you to be protected and for you to be happy I pray that no one ever breaks your heart I pray you find the person you could not see in me -- much more better than me I pray you will have a pious wife(ives) in the future so that she(they) can be a good mother(s) of your future children may your choices, reflect your hopes, not your fears I wish the best for you and nothing less oh ya, Happy New Year, SH☺️ so long, Assalamualaikum ☺️ ۗإِنَّ ٱلْأَمْرَ كُلَّهُۥ لِلَّهِ "Indeed, the matter belongs completely to Allah" [3:154] okay "InsyaAllah he will be okay...", said someone. Aku senyum. Yeah. Sure. Of course. Why not? "He always will be okay :)", I said. And now, He getting much better, I guess? *senyum* "Indeed, you are to die and indeed, they are to die" [Surah Az-Zumar, verse 30] |